Thursday, October 12, 2017

Impressions of Groton and Dunstable 

As you can see, we are on historical ground.

There's no limit to your creativity: pumpkin decoration, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin spiced latte, pumpkin cream cheese, even pumpkin beer. Splendid!

Indian summer with temperature of about 20 degrees.

Welcome session2

Welcome session (continued)
A new experience: talking to a large crowd in English.

We gave our best and we did well.

Ms. Waltz and Ms. Janich presenting the
gifts we brought from Germany, FES cups, shirts

as well as our yearbook and school magazine.

Welcome Session  on October 19th

State Representative Sheila Harrington
Certificate of honor that was handed over by Ms. Harrington.

Our partner school: GDRHS


 We were warmly welcomed and enjoyed a wonderful time experiencing American life at school and outside the campus. Thanks a lot for your hospitality!

GD entrance hall

Can you spot Jonas and Thorben in the gym?

Trophy case in the entrance hall, mainly football and baseball of course.

School lunch. Apart from the daily salad bar, 
you can choose from various sandwiches and two dishes, one of it usually warm.

In between we worked on our GAPP project Poverty and Homelessness
Here, baking and eating for a good cause: the Germans at the bake sale. 
The money went to Loaves and Fishes, a local food pantry.